We are very pleased to hear of the publication of the new magazine “ITN GREEK TOURISM” which is targeting the international community with respect to tourism developments in Greece and in the Greek destinations.
The HELLENIC PROFESSIONAL BAREBOAT YACHT OWNERS ASSOCIATION is already in its third decade of operation, is supporting the sector of professional yachting in Greece and all the activities for its promotion and development. Yachting activities are based on the particular competitive advantage of Greece, with a unique island archipelago geomorphology, the longest coastline of the Mediterranean countries and amazing natural and cultural attractions, which have made it known as a very popular destination for yachting and sea activities, and in this way, have been attracting visitor nationalities, from different areas of the world.
We are pleased that through this new press medium it will be possible to promote the activity of professional yachting in a number of markets and to offer the opportunities of the services Greek professionals, to all those who wish to enjoy the Greek seas and the coastal and island destinations.
On the Greek seas, starting from the Adriatic and Ionian Archipelago, opposite Italy, through the Sea of Crete, into the Aegean Sea, yachting tourists have the opportunity to get acquainted with the thousands of years of Greek civilization, the traditions and customs and the exquisite gastronomy delicacies, in the island communities.
Yachting professionals strive to offer services of high quality to the small groups who charter yachts of different types and sizes, for the enjoyment of the Greek seas, for the involvement in the multiplicity of sea sports, for the benefits of the freedom of choice of the trip itinerary, and also for the ability to enjoy beautiful Greek weather, as well as the Greek culture in the different coastal and island destinations.
We are confident that the new medium ITM GREEK TOURISM will successfully present Greek tourism activities and tourism destinations, and promote satisfactorily the development of tourism, will support the attraction of satisfied tourists, and will provide an opportunity for promoting yachting tourism to new markets.